Register for the 2-Part Nutrition & Selective Eating Autism Masterclass for Practitioners

Part 1: Nutrition for Autism Basics (1 hour)

Part 2: Selective Eating for Autism (1 hour)

Masterclasses available on-demand immediately after registration!

Already registered? Click here.

Help Your Clients Turn Stressful Mealtimes

Into Successful Mealtimes

Your clients are seeking advice on how to help their children on the autism spectrum overcome picky eating and improve their nutrition, and you want to give them the most helpful, research-backed, proven advice.

That’s why I've created this 2-Part LIVE Masterclass sharing the most vital information that will help you help your clients.

What You’ll Learn in The 2-Part Masterclass

This 2 hour Masterclass is divided into 2 parts to help you first understand the importance of nutrition for children on the autism spectrum, and then learn how to successfully introduce these foods for kids with selective eating.

    • The vital role nutrition plays in autism and how food affects behavior via the gut-brain connection

    • Which foods and nutrients are the most important to focus on with your clients

    • How sensory sensitivity could impact a child's diet and how that can affect their nutrition

    • Understanding which special diets could be beneficial and which may be detrimental

    • How to build a balanced meal and snack with an easy, 3-step process

    • Tips on how to make mealtime regulated and successful

    • Baseline supplements you should consider prioritizing

    • Why traditional/popular picky eating tactics don’t work for clients on the spectrum

    • The specific reasons children with autism are picky eaters

    • How to help parents identify the new foods that will be most successful for their kiddos

    • An outline of steps for introducing new foods for success

    • How to develop a feeding plan for clients that includes creative and proven ways to introduce new foods

    • Ways to better support families on the spectrum

    • Helpful referrals and resources for clients so they can have a well-rounded feeding support team

Imagine Getting Feedback Like This...

“This program has been life-changing for our 3-year-old and our family!

When I started the program I wanted to help him increase his food menu, but we got so much more. He is more focused, less constipated, and open to trying new foods! He used to gag at every new food item that was introduced!

We are also noticing he is babbling more and makes a huge effort to sound out words!”

“I can go to bed at night and think ‘he eat something nutritious today.’

He seems to be happier since we started this program with me. He tried to tell jokes and that’s something he didn’t do before.

I don’t even know that he knew what it was like to feel good.”

“For the first time in a really long time I have not made any separate meals for the family, we are all eating the same things.

The whole family is making healthier options and we want [our son] to see everyone eating the same foods as he!”

“OMG I am SO happy! This is literally the first time in his entire life he has consumed whole fruit/veggies = happy momma : )”

“He is trying, accepting, and loving things I didn’t think he’d try for years to come.

He’s been eating the same lunch for two years. Yesterday I gave him deli chicken and he had 3 servings!”

“We had a few wins this week. He tried scrambled eggs this morning.

He is eating pears and apples. We offered him Ripple milk and he’s been having Ripple milk the past two days!”

Sign Up Today and Get…

1️⃣ Access to the On-Demand 2-Part Masterclass (available immediately after registration)

  • Part 1: Nutrition for Autism Basics (1 hour)

  • Part 2: Selective Eating for Autism (1 hour)

  • Lifetime access to the recorded masterclasses and any updates moving forward

2️⃣ Replay of the Live Q&A’s for additional learning

  • Listen in on the live Q&A that happened after each masterclass to gain further insight from colleagues.

3️⃣ Copies of My Handouts to Use With Your Clients

  • Food Sensory Profile Worksheet

  • Building a Balanced Plate for Autism

  • My "PFF Plate" Master List

  • Creative Food Preparation for Limited Diets

  • Food Chaining Cheat Sheet

BONUS: Get My Nutrition Intake Form I Use For New 1:1 Clients

  • Be sure you’re asking the right questions to properly screen for nutrition and medical issues!

  • Gather all the information you need to have a successful intake session and help the families you work with feel supported and motivated.

Valued at

Get Lifetime Access for $197

  • The masterclasses were originally hosted live in September 2024, but are now available on-demand immediately after registration!

  • You get lifetime access to both masterclass recordings and any updates to the curriculum moving forward.

  • This masterclass is for any health professional or educator looking to improve their knowledge on nutrition and picky eating for autism to support their clients and families.

    This includes, but is not limited to: Registered Dietitians, Feeding Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, Medical Doctors, Special Education Teachers, or any other medical professional.

    If you are a parent/caregiver looking for support, visit

  • This Masterclass is pending CDR approval for 2 CEUs for Registered Dietitians.

    CEUs will not be offered for other practitioners.

  • Please only one practitioner per registration. If you are wanting to purchase multiple registrations for your practice, please email for a discounted rate.

Frequently Asked Questions