33. Get "Autside" with Glen Collins

On today’s episode, Brittyn welcomes Glen Collins and he is the creator of Autside, a company that has created a product line of traditional outdoor games that help the whole family come together for outdoor time, which encourages self discovery, communication, self-confidence friendships and independence for everyone.

A portion of every Autside sale goes to nonprofits dedicated to supporting autistic individuals and their families! He and his wife, Alice are proud parents, with two twin boys, Cam and Field. And in 2014, their son Cam was diagnosed with autism and this event reshape their lives forever but has also been an incredibly rewarding journey for their family.



  • Teaching confidence and socialization through games 

  • How his passion for family and getting his children involved started Outside

  • Creating autism community and awareness through brand identity and lifestyle



Welcome to the Nourishing Autism Podcast where you take a deep dive into the research on autism and dietary changes, nutrition supplements, and lifestyle modifications. Every week, we break down nutrition topics and an easy-to-understand way for you to feel less overwhelmed and feel confident on your nutrition journey with autism.

Get "Autside" with Glen Collins


Hello everybody. And welcome to the Nourishing Autism Podcast. I'm your host Brittyn Coleman, the autism dietitian. And today I interviewed a really special guest. His name is Glen Collins and he is the creator of Autside A U T S I D E a company that has created a product line of traditional outdoor games that help the whole family come together for outdoor time, which encourages self discovery, communication, self-confidence friendships and independence for everyone.

A portion of every Autside sale goes to nonprofits dedicated to supporting autistic [00:01:00] individuals and their families. My brother and I have personally played with their pickleball, paddles and nets, and it was such a blast. Glen has a career of over 25 years in sales and marketing. And he spent over the past 12 years as client director and managing partner at Switch, a prestigious branding studio based in Dallas, Texas.

He and his wife, Alice are proud parents, two twin boys, Cam and Field. And in 2014, their son Cam was diagnosed with autism and this event reshape their lives forever but has also been an incredibly rewarding journey for their family. Glen's new venture Autside has allowed Glen to build a business around his personal passions, but also supporting organizations that benefit the autism community. I hope you enjoy my interview with Glen Collins.

Brittyn: Welcome Glen. Thank you. so much for being here on the podcast. Really excited to have you.

Glen: Thank you. I'm so excited to join and to talk and to catch up.

Brittyn: Awesome. Yeah, so I was just saying Glen and I connected in [00:02:00] 2021 about his company get Autside. And I just think what you do is amazing. So I'm excited to be able to share on the podcast and then I've shared about your products to on social media. So now that it's warmer in Colorado and not IC, and we'll be able to talk more about that.

But I'm excited for you to share more. And if you'd like to get us started, tell us a little bit about yourself and your connection to autism.

Glen: Awesome. Yeah, so Glen Collins in the context of this calling and the founder of Autside and my connection to autism is I have a son that is autistic. He's a twin, so he and his twin brother were born, it'll be 13 years ago in may. And our son Cam you know, was demonstrating some, you know, developmental stuff.

And of course we were sort of navigating all that and and long story short we've, you know, basically arrived at an autism diagnosis right around the time he was like three or four, so.

Brittyn: Okay. [00:03:00] Yeah. And then from there, and I'll elaborate to the way the Autside is spelled is AUT

Glen: yes, that's right, exactly. So, yeah. Well, as we sort of elaborate more on. On the business itself. It's, definitely the AUT is intentional and ties into trying to eliminate and support the autism community and some folks that are trying to you know, help people navigate it like yourself.

Brittyn: So, where did you come up with this idea? Forget Autside, I'd look for more on what you know, Autside is, but then how you even came to think of this option. This business.

Glen: Yeah, you know, so my career, and this is still very much part of my career. My career is in really marketing and branding design creative services. So

Brittyn: Now, after seeing the Autside website, it looks amazing.

Glen: Thank you. Yeah. So you know, that was done with my peers in my agency world I have a branding agency called Switch.

And [00:04:00] so it's been, you know, cranking along from 20 years now. I've been a partner for 16 or 17 of that. So it's really just my connection to the lifestyle brands. And consumer products is sort of through what my agency has done to support those worlds. And so I'm one of those types of people where I'm like, I get really into like, oh, that's a neat product.

That's a cool brand and the, and look at how they're packaging their story and telling their story and things like that. So that's, you know, just one of those things where it's like I was like, gosh, it'd be really fun to have a business where it was, it wasn't just about services, but more, it was like if there was like a product to develop.

So so then fast forward, like, you know, kind of pre pandemic. You know, I've obviously been doing this services business for a long time. And and I actually had a podcast that I'd started out to try to try some different things. It was called Garage Brand. And it's been on ice for a little bit for several reasons.

But then I ended up talking to a couple of friends [00:05:00] about sort of just different business ideas. And I basically we sort of had a lunch, and we sat down and we're like, "Hey, let's let's share some ideas." And I was like me and my little clan, my family, we like to, to sort of get in the backyard and play yard games and things like that.

And cornhole and, and botchy ball and throwing the Frisbee and just all that kind of stuff. Playing pickleball it's just kind of part of how we have fun and, and it's always like, you know, we've always got the kind of the Bluetooth speaker and we're always trying to make it fun and bringing friends and family around.

And so and it's that kind of passive competition that we really like, you know, it's like, you just don't take it that seriously. I was like there's just really no brand that kind of is doing this stuff super cool. And has kind of anchored like a lifestyle brand to it. And so that was it.

I was really coming at it originally from like from the perspective of design and like kind of branding and my kind of personal passion for these types of outdoor yard game stuff. Then it's [00:06:00] kind of just, I was like thinking about how my son gets involved Cam you know, and he likes to play stuff too.

And, and how it's sort of, you know, it's like an anti screen kind of agenda to. So the long and the short of it is, is what I was kicking things around with my friends. It was, they were like, oh, man, that sounds really like challenging and hard. And it was and I was like, yeah, I know. I was like product, you know, it's like, it's real.

I don't know anything about sort of manufacturing and supply chain. Certainly. I've learned a lot about that, but I just really couldn't shake it after I really, cause I ended up making like a little deck for myself to kind of, and it really put me through the paces of like how this thing could be neat and how it could align with certain things.

And then I was in church I was like, oh my God, I'm watching my son. And he's a pretty demonstrative funny, he's actually pretty kind of an extrovert when in certain instances. And he likes the, kind of the prayer and worship aspect of church.

And I saw him up there. I was like, oh man, that's it like, [00:07:00] I want this business to give back and to connect to the autism community. I was like I'm just connecting the dots in my head. I was like, I had this idea, but this is like the mission for like, it brings him outside.

We have fun together. It brings our family together and so what if we could create some great products and then have a for-profit model, but give back to dedicated you know, nonprofits that support autistic individuals. And I was like, gosh, you know, this thing called ACEing autism, and that's like a perfect, you know, connection cause it's tennis and it's play and it's outdoors. And so it just all kind of came into my head. I mean, literally I'm still in church to like having this significant re retreat from whatever the sermon message was. And I was like you know, kind of rolling in my head, like, gosh, what should I call this thing? And then it just kinda came to me.

I was like, oh my gosh, I just flipped the over the a and, and then we're there. And I, so anyway, it was just, it was truly like a divine moment, you know? And I was like, wow. And then, then I actually, like, [00:08:00] it was like a real church champ and I like got out my phone and I was like on GoDaddy. And I was like, there's no way "Autside" is available.

You know? And as just like a note, but it's not, I thought it'd be some like Scandinavian term for terrorist or something,

Brittyn: Oh,

Glen: but it was it was all kind of free and out there. I mean, it's a, it is a term that, you know, kind of means outside, I think, in German or whatever, but like it's so, so I was like, okay, great.

So, I could navigate trademark and web and all kinds of things pretty

Brittyn: I know how challenging that is too. It's like when you find the URL that you want, that's not taken, oh my God. That's the best feeling in the world. Cause there's no URLs available. Now, if you're looking for anything.

Glen: So anyway, so that was the Genesis of the story. It was really like, kind of like a little personal, you know, shark tank challenge with, with some buddies, having some tacos and pitching some business ideas and And then me just sort of [00:09:00] like having, you know, the, this kind of maelstrom of, of, of ideas and thoughts that all kind of came together.

And then I was just like, you know what, I'm gonna go for it. You know? So here we are.

Brittyn: So cool. And I mean, an amazing idea and all these pieces coming together. The name Autside just as like one of those perfect things that just all flows together from a marketing perspective as well. So I didn't mean to say so yesterday we were in the Denver airport and I saw this guy and he was carrying four tennis rackets.

And I was like, huh, I wonder what that guy is up to. And then I saw his mask and it was blue and it said ACEing autism on it. And I. With it because of you. And then he was wearing a John Hopkins backpack. So I don't know where, I don't know where he was going or but it was so cool to see that. Cause I know there's a, I think it's in east Denver that there's an AC autism

Glen: the chapter?

Brittyn: Yes. I actually got in contact with the CEO because I play tennis. It's been a love of mine. I'm trying to figure out like the best way to get involved, [00:10:00] but I hadn't heard of them before you. And I thought that was really neat. And I knew I was talking to you today. So it was funny that that happened.

Glen: Well, I love that and I love to hear that and it's so, you know It's so exciting to, to do that, to have this business and for it to, you know, have a meaningful impact financially for these businesses once, you know, but it's also like I'm, you know, I'm trying to get going. And so you know, it's, it's just important for us to sort of illuminate the community and the people that are doing good.

And for, for you to, to, to know and recognize them and to reach out to them and to, to support. I mean, that's, again, that warms my heart because. You know, awareness it's just, you know, is, is also just as big a deal as is the financial side of it as well. And so so I'm loving that to describe

Brittyn: Well, I think it's really cool that you set out in different organizations that you want to support. And I've learned a lot of those connections. That I had never heard of so I had gone on your website and learned so much [00:11:00] about some of these organizations that I had just never heard of. So I think that that's really cool that you're giving back to the autism community more ways than just one, like through your products and getting kids involved.

And you know, my brother had never played pickleball before and we set out that pickleball net and he was a little hesitant at first. And then we started playing and he just had. Such a fun time. And I, I had never seen, I'd never done something like that with him. And so it was just really fun to interact with him in a new way that we had never done before.

So he was like smack talking and it was hilarious. But it

Glen: the videos and pictures were awesome. I can tell you, I have a special relationship. It was just so cool.

Brittyn: He is a hoot. He said something along the lines of like, yeah well I did a great job, but Brittyn or something and I was like, thank you for that. So Yeah.

He's so funny. So you have pickle ball. I know that giant Jenga so tell me a little bit about like the different things that you all.

Glen: Yes. Yeah. So yeah, to me, for the listener to be [00:12:00] clear. So, so you know, Autside and then our website you know, one of the channels where you can access this stuff. Probably the main one for, for anybody listening here is is get autside.com. But, but we are a marketplace for yard games. And we, we, we have a limited offering right now, but it's, it's, you know, it's, it's significant enough and it will grow over time, but basically we manufacturer and sell or source and sell basically products that are branded Autside.

And they're typically really designed forward and the little over engineered, I mean, they're, it's quality. Awesome stuff. So and even with our pickleball paddles, which was a source and sell we work with a really great paddle manufacturer that let us do a white label program with them.

And we're, we're using what's you know, we're, we're offering what's a really competitive paddle on the market, but it's it's but it's it's you know, kind of an approachable You know, product for beginners and, you know, anybody that plays fairly competitively. And [00:13:00] it's hopefully a fairly approachable price point too.

And then and so we have pickleball paddles and net systems and balls. And then we have a cornhole offering now that just launched in February. We call it bags and boards, but it is cornhole. We actually, that was our first product. We went through a design and manufacturing process with and it took over a year.

So it's like the supply chain. And that whole process is a product development is, is is just a whole thing. But they're, they've hit the market now. And th they've been really well received. We, we manufactured. The boards. And then we actually manufacture the bags as well. You can do custom bags in some cases.

And we work with a lot of developers that have housing community is student and multifamily and things like that. That we've done that for, but the bags are actually I work with a partner that actually has a daughter with special needs. So it's a real, like the community of, of trying to help people.

It's like it's, it's amazing. And so, and then we're actually launching a giant Jinga product called structural integrity. It's actually [00:14:00] going to be available on an April, probably toward the end of April, but we're, we've, pre-sold a bunch that are going to go into some of our B2B customer activations, which are, like I said, student housing communities and things like that.

Obviously April is autism awareness month. So we. You know, a lot of exciting things happening that month when it comes to just some of our clients, like really you know, kind of lifting up their, their partnership with us. And then we have like a Frisbee and we actually have a basketball. We did a collaboration.

So that's, that's actually a collaboration that we did with a company out of Chicago called season that makes these really cool design forward. Hyper quality basketballs and we have an indoor outdoor ball. That's really fun. So, but yeah, so that's kind of it. And then we have a merchant line too. We've got towed bags and water bottle and t-shirts and some hats, and we're gonna, we're gonna kind of refresh all that and, and probably may.

So, so yeah, so that's, that's kinda that, you know, and then we'll kind of drill and then we're, we're starting. A couple of other product development [00:15:00] conversations already and just listening to the customer and everything else. So but yeah, the, the, the games just to also be clear are for everybody. So, you know, they're not I think, you know, as a branding guy, I think one of the messaging things that we're sort of struggling with this is, is that they're not gains necessarily dedicated for autistic individuals.

But we do think that they are great and approachable for, for Neuro-typical folks and those that may be not as neuro-typical. But the but yeah, so that's, that's kind of what the offer looks like. I don't think I left anything.

Brittyn: Yeah, and it just helps get everyone together get outside and be active, which you know, finding creative ways to help my clients be outside and be active. And you'll find a fun way to engage with others is just so incredible. And so this is a fun way for them to be able to engage help with social communication and that social experience and

Glen: Confidence, you know, socialization. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's and fine motor skills. I mean, it really, it's great, you know, it [00:16:00] really is great. And so yeah, it's, it's, it's a big, you know, it's a big kind of segment of our families you know, connect connectivity and socialization and how we bring other groups into the mix.

You know, I think that a lot of your listeners can identify with, you know, if you have. A child with special needs, you really have to accommodate a lot of your life and your social life for that. And and that's, you know, that's just, it's just part of, so I created this business to kind of just support more of that, you know, that thinking so that people can, you know, overcome that and have fun and, and, you know, enjoy their life too, and also breathe some fresh air and, you know, things like that.

Brittyn: Definitely. Well, I was so excited to find you. It was actually my, one of my best friends, Claire, who has a really special relationship with my brother. And he just adores her. She was the one who actually tagged me in your products. I hadn't heard of them. And she was like, you have to check this out. Like you have to have some kind of connection to them.

So she was [00:17:00] the one who started all of this and help me find you. so I'm so glad that we've connected. And could you let other listeners know where to find you the best place?

Glen: Yeah. So getautside.com, G E T S U T S I D E .com is probably the best and easiest place. And anybody that's out there, you know, and the autism community, that's listening to this and you know, is a Brittyn fan like I am. If you have any questions or ever want to talk, please don't hesitate to reach out.

It's, there's, there's email links and things like that on the site, but you know, it's, we're, we're appreciative, but the autism community specifically has been super supportive of Autside is, you know, we're, we're grateful for any support, but it's just, it's neat. So, you know, we're, our, our kinship is runs deep, so.

Brittyn: Definitely. You're also a great follow on Instagram. So I'll plug you there.

Glen: Oh, yeah. You can find us on social too. Yeah. Right. So yeah, Instagram @GetAutside on Facebook and stuff like that too.

Brittyn: We'll tag you. and the show [00:18:00] notes on your Instagram account and website and everything like that.

Glen: Okay, cool. Great. Yeah.

Brittyn: So much Glenn for being here. I appreciate it. What are your doing is really, really special.

Glen: Yeah. Well, likewise, I appreciate it. Thanks Brittyn.

Brittyn: Thank you.

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ABOUT Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD, CLT

I’m a Registered Dietitian, Autism Nutrition Expert, and the Creator of the Autism Nutrition Library.

I work with parents of children with autism to optimize their child’s diet, supplements, and lifestyle based on their unique needs.  I help expand accepted foods for picky eaters, improve digestion and gut health, find the root causes of many symptoms, and ultimately help them feel their best so that they can do their best and be their best.

Not only do I relate to families on a professional level, but also on a personal level. I have been a part of the autism community for over 20 years, as my younger brother was diagnosed on the spectrum at a young age.

I look forward to working with you to uncover the root cause of your child’s symptoms and help your child be the best version of themselves!


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